Monday, September 1, 2008

I doodled a freebie!

Yesterday afternoon Lucy wasn't feeling good. She didn't have a fever but she was clammy and pale and slept most of the day. Today she is feeling much better. We even went to Eugene and did a little back to school shopping. I've felt so bad for her that she been ill (and that I didn't realize how ill she was) that I bought her a pair of converse that wasn't on sale! Shows you what *mother guilt* does. I never buy things that aren't on sale. I did spend time playing with my Wacom tablet while Lucy was sleeping on the sofa :) I need to take art classes now. I love doodle scrap kits, so I ended up making one! It's very simplistic but I learned a lot doing it! Mostly I learned that I have a lot to learn about making digital scrapbooking kits. I have found some great tutorials on line and I figure I'll learn more as I have time ( school will be starting for me soon). The layout above I did with MY first kit! I actually made EVERYTHING in it. The cute little girls are my friend Sok's twin daughters who will be 2 the end of October. Below is a preview of what's in my first doodle kit. I called it Playing in the Garden! It can be downloaded here. If you use it I would love to see what you did.

I also downloaded a couple of kits from Chaos Lounge, Renae and Digital Candy that I'm dying to scrap with, so tomorrow after I split a bunch of wood (about 1/2 a cord) I'm hoping to scrap some layout's with some of those kits.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 02 Sep [LA 01:05am, NY 03:05am, UK 08:05am, OZ 06:05pm] ).