Monday, November 10, 2008

Whimsical Winter QP

Jenni aka Chaos Lounge gave me permission to make a quick page with her latest kit Whimsical Winter. I used the basic page that I posted last night, but you can do a quick page with the mirror effect I had used, ( I least I don't know how ), so I put a frame in. I can't wait for winter so I can get some new winter pictures to use with this kit. You can see lot's of other LO's with this kit on Jenni's page and get the kit too. You can download the quick page here.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week 7

Well tomorrow starts week 7 and I'm still kicking! Today I spent most of the day trying to get started on my paper on schizophrenia. I had to do some reading and research first. Then it stopped raining and the dogs insisted I take them for a walk. Then I had to do laundry and Lucy's boyfriend came over ( that's a whole ball of wax I won't go into ), but I don't leave them alone much. Anyway, 4 more weeks and I get a few weeks off and it will be only 2 quarters until I'm done with school!! Oh, I also had my 2nd test Friday and managed to pull off a B. No more tests until finals, just numerous papers to write! Friday was Rachel's birthday. We went to lunch and shopping after class. Then Saturday night she came into CG and we all went to pizza for dinner. It is so hard for me to believe I have a daughter 25 and Zak will be 27 in January. Where does the time go.
I have scrapped a bit. I did this page with a picture of Haley playing in the snow last year. I had to get this kit when I saw it. It's from Chaos Lounge and you can find it along with a freebie on her blog here. I just learned to do that mirror technique :)

I did this page with the free get from That's little Audrey at the pumpkin patch!
Here are some pictures I took of the animals a couple weeks ago when we were having warm fall weather. Lately we're having not really cold, but wet fall weather. This is little mister Bubbles after he'd been running around on the hill with the dogs.
Here he is getting ready to jump out of the ways as the dogs come running at him. He's so funny. He jumps out of the bushes at the dogs and try's to get the ball before them, but has to jump out of the way as they will run him over if he's in their way.
Here is Haley and Maddie playing on the hill. Haley tries to get the ball and Maddie tries to stop Haley from getting the ball. It works for them. They've become great friends. Maddie got fixed last Thursday but is feeling much better now.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week 6

Ok, it's week 6 of my last year of Nursing School and I'm still alive :) A little stressed ... but still kicking! I think my mistake was that I thought this year was going to be easier because no more patho or pharm. Little did I know that they would fill up Chronic Nursing with LOT's of reading and writing and adding care plans to clinical. It takes me about 3 hours to do my prep for clinical the night before.
Besides school things are good. Lucy finished volleyball and signed up for basketball. Practice starts the 10th of this month. Little Alex is doing good in school. The funny thing is he likes his algebra class better then his introduction to gaming class. He's looking at taking a drawing class this next quarter.
I have done a wee bit of scraping :) This is Wynnie and Audrey at the pumpkin patch and Wynter turned 7 last week! The kit is by the Digital Candy Sweet tart team @

Little Lucy dressed up a a guy for Halloween. Well at least for school she did. Halloween night she dressed up as an 80's girl. She went out with some friends and then they came over here and watched *The Strangers* Why anyone would want to watch that movie is beyond me! They were out there with the surround sound going and then I'd hear them all screaming! I used Julia Makotinsky's Spooky Town for this page.
Little Alex got dressed up as a pirate and went to a party! I think he wishes he lived in pirate times!