Sunday, March 30, 2008

Back to School I go

Well it's back to school tomorrow and I didn't get much done. Darn cold made me just want to lay around and take it easy most of my break. Oh well, such is life! Tomorrow starts 11 more weeks of pathophysiology, pharmacology and acute care nursing. I am determined to be more organized this quarter. Wish me luck! Hopefully I will still be able to make some time to do some scrapping and get my garden beds ready for planting. Little Lucy will be turning 15 this month too and wants to have a slumber party with 8 girls over to eat pizza, listen to music and play Guitar Hero. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get my test schedule so we can make sure it's not on a weekend before a test! I'll never be able to study with all that going on. I did manage to scrap a a couple pages. Here is a page I did with a picture my dad sent when he and Sue were in Florida. I did this with a kit downloaded from Little Dreamers which is one of my favorite sites. They've been having an apprentice competition. One of my goals this summer is to learn to make some of my own papers and elements. Thank you to Courtney Wilson for this kit.

My sister Becky got married this month to Howard Fleischman. They are very happy as you can see! They went to Aruba for their honeymoon. I'll share some pictures when I get them.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Feeling Better

I am so glad I'm starting to feel better. I hate being sick. All I can do is think of all the things I intended to get done while on spring break and I haven't done much but lay around wishing I felt better. I can actually breath through my nose this evening! We had some snow today too. Thank goodness it didn't stick. I want it to be warm and springy! Poor Haley thinks the world is coming to an end because I haven't walked her in a few days. I did manage to get my taxes done today too! Now if I hear back tomorrow that the Fed's have accepted my e-file I can relax and be glad I don't have to file for another year. Last night when I couldn't sleep I scrapped a picture of Stuart with his grandkids, Aubrianna and Jasper! They are so cute!

I used paper and elements from Scrappy Blues Stones Designs. The frames are by Scrappy Pony Designs. The pink doodle is by Designs by Helly

Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break

I am soooooooo happy to be on spring break! I only have a week before spring term starts and I'm cleaning and I have to do my taxes and I have the worst head cold! And to top that off, did you know that in the state of Oregon you have to have a prescription to get what use to be over the counter cold medicine. Lucky me got a prescription today and ran to the pharmacy to get 20 whole Advil Cold and Sinus. I'm going to have to remember to ask any of you that come visit me to bring me some good cold medicine from your state :)

I manage to finish with an A and 2 B's. Pretty good but I was a little panicked for finals. I'm vowing to not get behind on studying this term. It will be hard as the weather gets nicer and nicer. Unfortunately it's reverted back to winter for the time being. They say we might even get a bit of snow this week!

I have managed to scrap a few pages. This seems to be my little addiction. I learned to make a quick page this week too. I did it for a challenge and my page will be given out to everyone who entered the challenge with a quick page of their own. Very fun to do!

Here are a few pages I've made recently.

Lucy and 2 of her friends!

Paper, stars and doodles are from Frame, hat and headbands from

This is a little page from when Jeff fixed the wall Lucy put her foot through :)
The paper and elements are from a kit called Bollywood by ScrappyBlueStones Designs and the frames are from Scrappy Pony Designs.

I did this page with a picture of Zak and Alex when they were kids. Weren't they just the cutest kids!
I did this page with Redju_Sunny freebie off her blog. You can find it at

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Template Challenge

I did my first digi scrap challenge with pictures from our walk the other day. Weeds and Wildflowers is one of my top 2 scrap sites along with Scrap Girls. It's not like I don't have enough to do but I wanted to do this template challenge. I don't normally do my pages this in a square size because I like to print them out and put them in albums but I did this one anyway.

I used Gina Huffs "Being Me" kit for this page.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Tomorrow is an exciting day for me. We're learning SQ injections! I can't wait to give someone an injection. From what I've been told we'll be able to practice on each other. I have no idea what we'll be injecting into each other, but I'll let you know :) Yesterday was a fabulous day for a walk so Lucy and I took Haley out. We walked down behind the high school and threw the ball for Haley and then down to the river and then back home. I have tons of pictures to share!

The old Chambers Railroad bridge. The city is about to restore it. There are only 6 old railroad bridges left standing in the country and this is the only one west of the Mississippi.
Me and Haley down by the river.

Some of our local water fowl :)

Lucy and Haley looking for the Muskrat!

Lucy throwing the ball for Haley.

Haley never, ever ,ever gets enough of playing ball!!!
This is a dog we see on our walks a lot. Notice her tu tu :)

Lucy and Haley down by the river

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Spring time

Spring has been in the air here for the past couple of weeks. It's been raining since last night though. I'm telling myself the rain is good and will make things greener for longer, but I'm really eager for spring. I did the page below with pictures of Haley, Hug Muffin and Flower Unit for last week when we were playing on the mountain. The problem with nice weather is I will have a harder time concentrating on school work. I want to do yard work and get my garden beds ready for planting. There are 2 more weeks in the quarter and then finals :) And good news about last weeks Patho and Pharm testes. When they went back and took out the questions we had been told we wouldn't be tested on I now have an 88% for Pharm and 84% for Patho. I'm glad to have a better score. Truthfully though I don't kill myself for A's. I did that to get into the program and as one of our instructors has said, no one is going to kick us out for B's and C's.

This kit is Magic of Spring. You can find it on Lisa's blog.