Sunday, March 30, 2008

Back to School I go

Well it's back to school tomorrow and I didn't get much done. Darn cold made me just want to lay around and take it easy most of my break. Oh well, such is life! Tomorrow starts 11 more weeks of pathophysiology, pharmacology and acute care nursing. I am determined to be more organized this quarter. Wish me luck! Hopefully I will still be able to make some time to do some scrapping and get my garden beds ready for planting. Little Lucy will be turning 15 this month too and wants to have a slumber party with 8 girls over to eat pizza, listen to music and play Guitar Hero. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get my test schedule so we can make sure it's not on a weekend before a test! I'll never be able to study with all that going on. I did manage to scrap a a couple pages. Here is a page I did with a picture my dad sent when he and Sue were in Florida. I did this with a kit downloaded from Little Dreamers which is one of my favorite sites. They've been having an apprentice competition. One of my goals this summer is to learn to make some of my own papers and elements. Thank you to Courtney Wilson for this kit.

My sister Becky got married this month to Howard Fleischman. They are very happy as you can see! They went to Aruba for their honeymoon. I'll share some pictures when I get them.

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