Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spring Snow

Well it's supposed to spring and this morning, a bit before 7am, Haley insisted I get up and follow her out to the living room. Seems she wanted to go out and play in the snow! So I put my boots on over my pj's and out we went :) If I study long enough today and do all my readings for tomorrow I'm going to scrap a page of pictures tonight. Last weekend it was in the 70's here. This weekend we've had a good amount of snow for us. Look at my tulips!

At first I stood on the deck and threw the ball for Haley. That is a tennis ball in her mouth, not a snowball!
After a bit we went up the hill to throw the ball. Now we're back in and I'm having coffee and Haley is pouting because she thinks we should be back out in the snow.
This week we get back in the hospital with patients! Very exciting! We are able to do much more care now. We learned Foley's and NG tubes this week. I'm good on the dummies in the lab, but I need real patients to practice on. I can't find anyone at home to let me practice on them and I've noticed even the animals are starting to sleep with one eye open! Monday I get to go over my Patho exam and see if I can make a case to get any points back. I've heard many students talking about how low their scores were on this test and the Patho teacher say this was the hardest test of the year. I heard from several people the Pharm teacher thinks that the Patho test was too hard for us and we should make a case that those questions were out of scope for 1st year students. If I can get credit for 2 questions back I'll be back in the B's and will feel better, but mostly I want to see what I missed. I really felt like I had a good handle on understanding the subject matter, most of which dealt with fluid balance and shifts.

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